Transcriptions are fast becoming a recurring job for us here at missmoneypenny pa. It couldn’t be simpler, our clients just record their conversations, interviews, dissertations or whatever they want transcribing and send to us by memory stick, email, Dropbox or some other file sharing website. Kate usually jumps at the chance to do these and show off her 100+ words per minute typing speed! We get these turned around, usually within a day or two, and returned to the client quick smart.
Dissertation deadline time is a busy few months for us. Students have cottoned on to our services and it’s a great way for us to gain new clients. When they have so much research to do, data to compile and information to put together, having us transcribe their interviews and conversations really helps lighten their load. We’ve enjoyed learning about procurement, the food industry and language within different sectors of the business world, all absorbed whilst we type!
Kate particularly enjoyed transcribing a lecture about a classic book that she’d always meant to read but never had. Typing up a speech from a published author about the well loved novel was certainly an interesting and memorable experience.
Interviews are also a large part of the transcription requests we receive. From journalists interviewing spiritualist healers, to recruitment and disciplinary hearings, we’ve seen it all. What can we say? This job will never get boring!
If you’re interested in our transcription services, please contact us for further information (and make Kate’s day J ).

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